Homework Assignment

Homework Assignment


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • Write scripts using syntax and conventions in accordance with industry standard best practices
  • Develop a fully functional program using industry-relevant tools


You work for a small company that creates text-based games. You  recently pitched your design ideas for a text-based adventure game to  your team. Your team was impressed by all of your designs, and would  like you to develop the game! You will be able to use the map and the  pseudocode or flowcharts from your designs to help you develop the code  for the game. In your code, you have been asked to include clear naming  conventions for functions, variables, and so on, along with in-line  comments. Not only will these help you keep track as you develop, but  they will help your team read and understand your code. This will make  it easier to adapt for other games in the future.

Recall that the game requires players to type in a command line  prompt to move through the different rooms and get items from each room.  The goal of the game is for the player to get all of the items before  encountering the room that contains the villain. Each step of the game  will require a text output to let the player know where they are in the  game, and an option of whether or not to obtain the item in each room.


In Project One, you designed pseudocode or flowcharts for the two  main actions in the game: moving between rooms and gathering items. In  this project, you will write the code for the full game based on your  designs. You will also need to include some additional components beyond  your original designs to help your game work as intended. You will  develop all of your code in one Python (PY) file, titled  “TextBasedGame.py.”

IMPORTANT: The directions include sample code from the dragon-themed game. Be sure to modify any sample code so that it fits the theme of your game.

  1. First, create a new file in the PyCharm integrated development  environment (IDE), title it “TextBasedGame.py,” and include a comment at  the top with your full name. As you develop your code, remember that  you must use industry standard best practices including in-line  comments and appropriate naming conventions to enhance the readability  and maintainability of the code.
  2. In order for a player to navigate your game, you will need to develop a function or functions using Python script. Your function or functions should do the following: 
    • Show the player the different commands they can enter (such as “go North”, “go West”, and “get [item Name]”).
    • Show the player’s status by identifying the room they are currently  in, showing a list of their inventory of items, and displaying the item  in their current room.
    • You could make these separate functions or part of a single function, depending on how you prefer to organize your code.
          #Sample function showing the goal of the game and move commands def show_instructions():      #print a main menu and the commands    print("Dragon Text Adventure Game")    print("Collect 6 items to win the game, or be eaten by the dragon.")    print("Move commands: go South, go North, go East, go West")    print("Add to Inventory: get 'item name'")  #In this solution, the player’s status would be shown in a separate function. #You may organize your functions differently.
  3. Next, begin developing a main function in your code. The main  function will contain the overall gameplay functionality. Review the  Project Two Sample Text Game Flowchart, located in the Supporting  Materials section, to help you visualize how main() will work. For this step, simply add in a line of code to define your main  function, and a line at the end of your code that will run main(). You  will develop each of the pieces for main() in Steps #4–7.
  4. In main(), create a dictionary linking rooms to one another and linking items to their corresponding rooms.  The game needs to store all of the possible moves per room and the item  in each room in order to properly validate player commands (input).  This will allow the player only to move between rooms that are linked or  retrieve the correct item from a room. Use your storyboard and map from  Project One to help you create your dictionary.
       Here is an example of a dictionary for a few of the rooms from the sample dragon text game. #A dictionary linking a room to other rooms #and linking one item for each room except the Start room (Great Hall) and the room containing the villain rooms = {    'Great Hall' : { 'South' : 'Bedroom', 'North': 'Dungeon', 'East' : 'Kitchen', 'West' : 'Library' },    'Bedroom' : { 'North' : 'Great Hall', 'East' : 'Cellar', 'item' : 'Armor' },    'Cellar' : { 'West' : 'Bedroom', 'item' : 'Helmet' },    'Dining Room' : { 'South' : 'Kitchen', 'item' : 'Dragon' } #villain } #The same pattern would be used for the remaining rooms on the map.
  5. The bulk of the main function should include a loop for the gameplay. In your gameplay loop, develop calls to the function(s) that show the player’s status and possible commands.  You developed these in Step #2. When called, the function(s) should  display the player’s current room and prompt the player for input (their  next command). The player should enter a command to either move between  rooms or to get an item, if one exists, from a room.
       Here is a sample status from the dragon text game:
       You are in the Dungeon    Inventory: []    You see a Sword    ----------------------    Enter your move:
    As the player collects items and moves between rooms, the status  function should update accordingly. Here is another example after a  player has collected items from two different rooms:    You are in the Gallery    Inventory: [‘Sword’, ‘Shield’]    --------------    Enter your move:
    Note: If you completed the Module Six milestone, you have already  developed the basic structure of the gameplay loop, though you may not  have included functions. Review any feedback from your instructor, copy  your code into your “TextBasedGame.py” file, make any necessary  adjustments, and finish developing the code for the gameplay loop.
  6. Within the gameplay loop, you should include decision branching to handle different commands and control the program flow.  This should tell the game what to do for each of the possible commands  (inputs) from the player. Use your pseudocode or flowcharts from Project  One to help you write this code. 
    • What should happen if the player enters a command to move between rooms?
    • What should happen if the player enters a valid command to get an item from the room?
    • Be sure to also include input validation by developing code that tells the program what to do if the player enters an invalid command.

      Note:  If you completed the Module Six milestone, you have already developed a  portion of this code by handling “move” commands. Review any feedback  from your instructor, copy your code into your “TextBasedGame.py” file,  make any necessary adjustments, and finish developing the code.

  7. The gameplay loop should continue looping, allowing the  player to move to different rooms and acquire items until the player has  either won or lost the game. Remember that the player wins the game by retrieving all of the items before encountering the room with the villain. The player loses the game by moving to the room with the villain before collecting all of the items. Be sure to include output to the player for both possible scenarios: winning and losing the game.

    Hint:  What is the number of items the player needs to collect? How could you  use this number to signal to the game that the player has won?
       Here is a sample from the dragon text game of the output that will result if the player wins the game:    Congratulations! You have collected all items and defeated the dragon!    Thanks for playing the game. Hope you enjoyed it.
    If the player loses the game, they will see the following output:    NOM NOM...GAME OVER!    Thanks for playing the game. Hope you enjoyed it.
    Note: If you completed the Module Six milestone, the gameplay loop  ended through the use of an “exit” room. You will need to remove the  “exit” room condition and adjust the code so that the game ends when the  player either wins or loses, as described above.

  8. As you develop, you should be sure to debug your code to minimize errors and enhance functionality.  After you have developed all of your code, be sure to run the code and  use the map you designed to navigate through the rooms, testing to make  sure that the game is working correctly. Be sure to test different  scenarios such as the following: 
    • What happens if the player enters a valid direction? Does the game move them to the correct room?
    • When the player gets an item from a room, is the item added to their inventory?
    • What happens if the player enters an invalid direction or item command? Does the game provide the correct output?
    • What happens if the player wins the game? What happens if the player loses the game?

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Develop and submit the  “TextBasedGame.py” file using PyCharm. Include your full name in a  comment at the top of the code. Be sure to submit the code that you have  completed, even if you did not finish the full game.

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